I love this life of mine

I cried, like a baby. Tears of joy, of course, when I first laid eyes on our newest location. This post has taken me some time to write for two different reasons. One, I've been the busiest I've ever been and Two, so that I could really tap into the different emotions I had experienced. My brother wrote this exhilarating post on Linked In on the details on how we went about it - should you be interested!
I've been feeling some type of way.

This is our fourth time opening up something that means everything.

Is this really happening was my first thought? When are you ever really ready for something epic and life changing. All you can do is learn to adapt as fast as you can to change.

The momentum started to build and I felt grateful. I felt alive. I felt inspired. I felt effective. I felt purpose. It was an altruistic feeling.I knew this was coming and I knew what to expect this time around as we've done it before. For some reason, it was more of an emotional one for me.

Pardon me, as I try to express how I was feeling. We were able to create a masterpiece, down to the very last detail. It's everything we hoped it would turn out to be. It feels like a win. A win for me is when everyone around me is winning. The reason it's a win, it wasn't just my win. It was our family's win, our teams' win, our clients' win and my closest friends win. Their the ones who have had to put up with me all of this time. Patience is a virtue and those who've shown loyalty are forever in my heart. Their the ones who spread the word. Their the ones who believed in us. Their the ones who never stopped supporting us. Their the ones who stayed true to their hearts. Their our biggest fans. I don't say it often enough but thank you. To the moon and back. Thank you.

It's been said the reason we can fumble is that our emotions can get the best of us. Ask Mr.Dante or my bestie how often they've witnessed me sobbing like a baby, I rarely cry. I'm not saying crying is a bad thing. Sometimes we simply need to let our emotions out. Hormones get out of whack and we need a great cry. We are feeling some type of way and we don't know what else to do but cry. We've all been there.Here's the kicker; I've worked hard to keep my emotions in check. Crying makes me uncomfortable. I have no control over it. The water works just keep coming down. It's an odd thing when you think about it. I never know what to say to make it right. I feel for anyone who cries and really despise seeing someone cry. I'd rather see someone happy or even worst; angry. When I'm down on myself - my brother tells me to man up (and has told me to do since I was 5). 

In fact, our entire relationship has been the test of life as we try to do what we love most while remembering what's important. He's a dreamer and I will not stop until his dream has been realized. As we often get our emotions caught up in what we do. This place is my baby. What happens when you have a baby? You do everything for your baby. You nurture your baby, you protect your baby, you guide your baby and you embrace your baby. Your child becomes your world. It's your family and you should stop at nothing for your family.My family is my family as well as my Free Form Fitness family.

I leave you with what has helped me through the years;
Dream big and make your dreams a reality. Persistence and confidence is key, in everything you do. Persevere. Always. Never take no for an answer. Change isn't always a bad thing if it's the right thing. Opportunities are everywhere, be picky. Standards are important; make sure you keep em high. People are great. Connecting with them is even better. Everyone has greatness within, dig. Find your purpose. Live a life filled with gratitude and ambition. Be caring, be passionate and have soul.


  1. Pretty sure gym owner doesn't really fall under an altruistic career choice...

  2. Hyperbole at its best...


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